Friday, April 18, 2014

Only One More Week

Last night I received a phone call about our song selection during the ceremony.  Today I received an email that my tux is ready to be picked up and that I should come in for my final fitting to make sure all is well in regards to looking like a pimp ass G for my wedding.
The flowers have arrived and the Guest Book showed up looking beautiful.  Everything is finalizing and pretty soon all of my friends will be arriving into town to party like rock stars with their compadre from another madre.

I took a nap after work today because getting up at 4:30 in the morning drains the shit out of me.  When I shake the cob-webs off I'll be refreshed and ready to go and probably have a late night playing some sort of video game.  I'm thinking about cracking Skyrim open but I really should put Diablo to bed before I start another game that will be a multi hundred hour time sink.

I'm supposed to have this weekend off but I really think that I'm going to head in tomorrow for a couple of hours so that I can do up a proper work list for this coming week and make an outline for stuff that needs to be done/maintained/looked at while I'm off for two weeks so that I don't come back to a disaster area.

As for right now, it's time to take the kids to the park so they can play and run off energy.
So, with that I cut this short....