Thursday, April 15, 2021

Fatman, Poker and Feedburner

 Fellow former poker blogger Lightning36 is in town and will be hitting up some spots for some poker.  Of course that means that I am, naturally, working late during most of this visit.  I received the message that tonight he will be hitting up South Point which is my current hangout and I will make every effort to meet up and get some cards in.

However, I work until 11pm which means that those damn fish might have already gone broke before I even get out of work.  That will not deter me from making a b-line to the casino after work and increasing the value of my sock-roll as I continue my journey to financial independence so that I can shed the restraints of my J-O-B and become a travelling poker player like our good buddy TBC.

Friday night I also work until 11, but Saturday and Sunday I am off so maybe one of those days I can catch up with some out of town friends before they head back to their own personal hell away from beautiful Las Vegas.

I'm continuing my journey to getting down to 200 pounds over at FatManinVegas and I threw up a new post today with some information.  I'm going to keep most of my personal development over there while I talk more and more about degeneracy here.  I will link back and forth when necessary for those who might  be interested in reading more of my words, but I feel that most of the people who come here prefer the seedy side of life.

And finally, Google has decided to kill another of their apps in Feedburner.  Feedburner was a way of subscribing to a blog so that you would get an email when a new one was posted and the big G decided that it just isn't worth keeping around any longer.

I have about 31 people that subscribe to me through the service, which really isn't much, so I'll be looking for a replacement.

Hopefully I get to see CokeHead (snicker) and Lightning at the tables tonight.

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