Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Splitter's Blog

I just wanted to take a moment to pimp out a friends blog.

Every Tuesday he is doing a segment called "Ask Crayder."

Tom Crayder is a character in his novels The Reluctant and The Willing and whatever this future novel that I'm being told is going to be out later this year, maybe The In Trouble with The Wife.

Either way.  Today's blog involves Man-Speak and gives a lot of information into the male mind that women should really pay attention to and try to understand.

Now, if only there were some woman who would want to share what their convoluted Woman-Speak means, though I'm pretty sure that we, as men, would not have the attention span to read the entire 20 page article dedicated to "You should know what you did wrong" let alone anything more serious.

So, Everyone, please check out Splitter's Blog and I'm sure you'll really enjoy it.
I also highly recommend checking out both of his books. The Reluctant is currently Free, and The Willing is only $2.99.
For those of you who would rather have actual covers and pages and whatnot, BOTH books are going to be released for sale as an actual book on Amazon.com come Valentines Day.

Thank You.